How a Public AI Tool Like ChatGP Sparks Debate About Its Use in Modern Warfare

The Viral Video: Weaponizing ChatGPT
Recently, I watched a segment on the evening news about a viral video, and I couldn’t resist sharing my thoughts with you.
The news sensationally introduced this video, claiming it showcases the military application of ChatGPT—a platform designed for the general public and widely known for its harmless, everyday uses like writing, translation, and grammar assistance. It’s important to note that ChatGPT was never intended for weaponry or military purposes.
The video embedded in this article is a Shorts clip—a condensed version of the full video—to give you a quick yet impactful look at what’s being discussed.
An Engineer’s Extraordinary Experiment
At first glance, the video both surprised and amazed me. What this engineer managed to accomplish is truly extraordinary. Using a few voice commands, he instructed ChatGPT—a tool we typically use for routine tasks—to act like a soldier on a battlefield.
While it’s fascinating to see ChatGPT executing military commands, take note of the setup the engineer built. At first, it appears simple, but upon closer inspection, it becomes evident that it could easily be mounted onto a military vehicle, such as a Humvee, and used for navigation and control.
The Implications of Weaponized AI
Now, imagine a .50 caliber machine gun mounted on a Humvee or an Abrams tank, voice-controlled via this AI application, capable of executing commands in mere seconds. What was showcased in this video is no longer just entertainment or speculation—it’s artificial intelligence in a near-Terminator-like role.
If an engineer can weaponize ChatGPT—a tool designed for everyday use—what could be happening behind the scenes in military labs? What advancements are being made in secret facilities in the United States, Russia, or other global powers? How far have they come in developing AI for military applications?
If such technology can be built in a home setting, it’s not far-fetched to envision AI-powered Terminator-style robots patrolling battlefields or, even scarier, our streets.
Potential Benefits of AI in Warfare
There are certainly potential benefits to this technology, such as saving human lives in combat scenarios. For example, if a robot controls a Humvee’s weapon systems, there’s less risk of soldiers being killed by enemy fire.
Robots could be programmed to attack only enemy targets, reducing the risk of friendly fire incidents and increasing precision in hostage situations. Robots are inherently more accurate and lack emotions, which could minimize human error.
Questions About the Future of Military AI
However, this raises important questions: How far will AI development go in military contexts?
What level of autonomy will be granted to AI systems?
Is it wise to entrust weapons, including nuclear arsenals, to artificial intelligence?
We must also consider the worst-case scenario. What if we create AI so powerful that it gains consciousness and the ability to think autonomously?
The Darkest Scenarios
Will such an AI see us as friends and creators or as threats to be eliminated?
History teaches us that the emergence of a new, advanced species often leads to the extinction of the old. In this case, we would be the outdated species.
An AI with consciousness, abstract thinking, and decision-making capabilities in milliseconds would be millennia ahead of humanity.
For now, we may find comfort in believing that these dark scenarios are still far off in the future. However, watching videos like this and observing such applications of AI makes one question whether that belief is truly justified.
This is unbelievable!
ChatGPt as a weapon. I couldn't imagine this, not even in my dreams.
Great article and a great topic!😯😯😯