Image Mauro Mora
Governor Sisolak continues to take steps to protect Nevadans. Sisolak asks locals to "stay home for Nevada". Schools have already closed. Several businesses have shut down of their own free will. Tonight the govenor asks "nonessential businesses to close for 30 days". This is effective tommorow, 3/18, at noon. Many businesses are not surprised and have done the nessesary preparation to switch to online work.
Vegas casinos are much more panicked than its local businesses. Governor Sisolak orders all gaming machines turned off by midnight tonight. After a confused audience member asks, he repeats that all gaming will shut down 12am 3/18. MGM has already closed, but other casinos have not yet planned to.
These orders are meant to ensure the safety of all Nevadans. The Governor hopes that this will encourage people to stay home. He states that they will reevaluate the precautions at the end of the 30 day period.