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Search for Monroe County Public Defender begins;

Updated application process ensures bipartisan and community input

Monroe County Legislature President Sabrina LaMar is announcing today the process for selecting a new permanent Monroe County Public Defender. President LaMar’s announcement follows last year’s letter of notice from former-Public Defender Timothy Donaher indicating his declination of seeking reappointment.

President LaMar’s refreshed process to select a Public Defender is already underway. The Public Defender job description and application is available on the Monroe County webpage at and other popular job applicant webpages including indeed and LinkedIn.

In addition, President LaMar has announced the creation of an informal panel to interview prospective job applicants that will include community legal experts recommended by Republican Majority Leader, Democrat Minority Leader, and Legislature President.

“I would like to begin by thanking former-Public Defender Donaher for his service to this county and our residents. As I promised when elected Legislature President – I aim to bring new ideas and build bridges in Monroe County Government. said LaMar. “This refreshed and equitable approach to the integral appointment of the Monroe County Public Defender will ensure the bi-partisan, diverse and knowledgeable voices of our community required are best represented in this process.”

President LaMar’s informal panel on Public Defender applicants will request applicants to the Public Defender position schedule a time to meet with the panel to discuss community-based priorities, needs and questions. The panel will include community legal experts recommended by the Republican Majority Leader Steve Brew, Minority Leader Yversha Roman; and President LaMar. The members of the informal panel will select a recommended candidate via written communication to the President of the Legislature.

President LaMar will then accept the final written recommendations from Majority Leader Brew and Minority Leader Roman. In culmination of the panel, Majority Leader and Minority Leader candidate recommendations, President LaMar will put forth a resolution to appoint a selected Public Defender candidate. The appointment will appear before consideration before the Public Safety Committee then proceed to the Full Legislature for final adoption and appointment.



Reilly O'Brien Chief of Staff - Republican Majority

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