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A Lifetime Loving The Wrong Man?

Updated: Jul 30, 2019

Last week, I read about the death of Kim Porter. I never had the pleasure of personally meeting Kim. However, I’ve watched her grow throughout her time in the public eye.

When I read of her death, my first thought was her children. As a mother, that fear of leaving your children to navigate through this cold world is terrifying.

My second thought was, wow she spent most of her life loving the wrong man.

Again, I never met Kim or knew much about her relationship with Diddy, besides what played out on television and the internet.

But, her personal social media accounts spoke volumes about the love she had for this man and the love he had for her.

Maybe there was a boyfriend that she shielded from the limelight. Keeping her perfect family portrait the main focus of her life.

If so, I completely respect that decision.

If not, how unfortunate would it be to learn she was waiting on him [Diddy] to chose her; as he pranced around with women young enough to be his daughter(s)? What if she held out hope for him to one day return and make a REAL commitment to his family?

Whatever the case may be, hopefully she is at peace, and her family & friends find a way to deal with such a major loss.

Let’s be clear, I did not write this “Think Piece” to bash Diddy. I wrote it for women who may be waiting on a man to chose her or a man thinking he has time to finally commit to the woman he truly loves.

Time is promised to no one and many may run out of time sooner than they expect. So, love more, fight less, and pray hard.

R.I.H Kim Porter

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